Who/what is SARPRA ?
SARPRA is the peak body representing seniors who own homes in Residential Parks across South Australia and has been since the Residential Parks Bill became The Residential Parks Act 2007.
SARPRA looks after the interests of park residents, and provides advice to anyone intending to move into a Residential Park.advocates on behalf of all its members for the best possible living conditions in Residential Parks.
SARPRA monitors and works for the best possible laws and regulations to safeguard the interests of all resident home owners in Residential Parks.
SARPRA does not represent or recommend any particular park or village, however, the Committee can assist potential residents to make an informed decision regarding which park or village may suit their particular requirements. (Dedicated residential parks (manufactured homes, permanent residence).
This is what SARPRA does:
1. Represent the interests of residents of South Australian Residential Parks in as many forums as possible;
2. Provide a forum for residents and Residents’ Committees to exchange ideas that may assist residents of their Park;
3. Maintain contact with similar organisations in Australia;
4. Encourage State authorities to consult the residents of Parks and SARPRA prior to changing the current Act;
5. Consult with South Australian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (SACAT);
6. Respond to invitations by local Residents’ Committees for a meeting; and,
7. Assist Managers of Residential Parks to instigate facilities and procedures helpful to residents
SARPRA Membership
Membership is open to any permanent resident of a Residential Park/Village in South Australia who agrees with the association’s objectives and rules.
Joining is easy and can be done online in less than two minutes here.